123, New Lenox Chicago, IL 60606

Hi, We are platform Africa

TUKUNDANE: is an independent non-beneficial organisation that aims at promoting awareness on the daily challenges faced by single positive mothers/ women and young girls in Uganda and Africa at large! At the same time young women face an issue of sanitary pads that keep them out of school as Tukundane we also tackling that under our actives.

Females between the age of 15 to 24 years living with HIV are 4 times higher than males of the same age. This according to the Uganda bureau of statistics report 2016. With 1.4 million Ugandans are living with HIV and 52000 new infections every year, Women and Young women are particularly more affected .There are a number of factors that contribute to the higher prevalence of HIV among women. These include cultural barriers, economic constraints and increased negative stereotype towards women.

For young women like Sara 22 year old mother of 2 small children the heavy burden of living with HIV is furthered with job discrimination, community isolation and limited access to stigma free HIV /AIDS care due to ignorance and cultural misconceptions about HIV transmission. Tukundane charity organization was started in 2017 to support women and young women like Rebecca living with HIV in Uganda through skills training for economic empowerment, eradication of HIV/aids stigma specially faced by women through community involvement, through community dialogues and involvement

Our Story

Our Name/ Meaning

Our founders adopted the name ‘Platform’ to encapsulate the need and urgency to raise and/or create spaces on which grassroots community challenges can be addressed and, Platform(Africa) in full or totality, defines our demographical target and vision to play a catalytic role in empowering and building bridges of opportunities for young people in Africa.

Our Mission

Our mission is to play the role of a catalytic space facilitating equitable access to education and community empowerment through peacebuilding, youth skilling, start-ups, and technology to contribute to meaningful impact and transformation.

Our Vision

Our vision is to realize the creation of self-reliant, well informed, and empowered communities that are actively creating the change they want to see.